You quit teaching
to run away.
That-that-that is what
you’re doing, right?
You’re running, right?
You know, my favorite part
about running
is you don’t have
to plan your route,
but you do have
to keep on moving.
Why you moving away from us?
Why are you moving away
from the people that love you?
Galileo did
his most important work
at his villa at Arcetri.
Yeah, he was under
house arrest at the time.
“Success is not how far
you get,
but the distance you travel
from where you started.”
Now you’re quoting
sneaker commercials?
If the shoe fits.
Just do.. j-just do me a favor.
wh-whenever you reach
the finish line, wherever it is,
just remember to write to me,
‘cause I need to know where
to send a wedding invitation.
(clicks tongue)
<<ナンバーズ 天才数学者の事件ファイル on hulu>>